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Macomb Soccer Club

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the name change?

To be honest with you, we have been thinking about this for a while now.  Do we need a change, do we not.  What are the ups and downs.  So here we are with a new name - same principles, just a different look.

What are my costs going to be?

At MACOMB SOCCER CLUB we have a philosophy of being 100% transparent with the costs.  ALL of our costs are posted on our website for ALL to see!  There are no hidden costs!  No team fees!  No team manager bank account.

How much will my uniform package cost me?

Well let's see....  What do you really need?  Home jersey, Away jersey, a pair of shorts and a pair of socks.... It won't cost you much! $160 plus taxes is what we charged last year. We are not expecting a huge increase for this cycle. You want a sweatshirt - great, we will give u a link, you want to buy a backpack with your kids number on it, awesome, we will give you the link for that as well.

What age groups are offered?

U7 through U16.

Why are teams formed by birth year?

A few years ago, US Youth Soccer mandated the way players registered for travel soccer.  You are now grouped by birth year. 
Click here for age group chart

Do I have to register for tryouts?

YES PLEASE!   All interested and returning players need to register online.

Where do I register for tryouts?


What if my child makes a travel team and then decides not to play for USL or AYSO - can I get a credit?

Unfortunately, probably not from USL or AYSO. In this case, please send Gordon an email.

Do I have to pay MACOMB SOCCER CLUB their club dues all at once.

You can if you want, but we will have payment plans.  Initial deposit of $350 @ tryouts and 9 monthly payment afterwards.

What is the time commitment for travel?

Travel is a yearlong commitment. Click on the TEAM CENTRAL Team Information tab and choose your age group. We have laid out a yearly plan.

ow far do we have to travel?

Great question!  Difficult answer as we do not know the 'away' teams we play against yet.  From experience we would say about a 30 - 45 minute drive from Shelby. You will have two tournaments a year, these maybe further.

How will I know who my coach is going to be?

Another great question!  As we are slowly growing, so is the staff.  We have allocated coaches to teams but without knowing whos is going to show up at tryouts, we may have to move coaches around.

Macomb Soccer Club

Phone : 248-390-9163
Email : [email protected]
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