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Macomb Soccer Club

Parent Code of Conduct


These are primary conduct guidelines of the Macomb Soccer Club (MSC). These guidelines cannot possibly cover every situation that will arise over the course of a season, and under certain situations, exceptions can be made according to the best judgment of the head coach. Please keep in mind, however, that the head coach is responsible to the entire team, player families, and the MSC soccer program. All decisions will be made with those obligations in mind.
The MSC expect all participants to maintain a high standard of conduct at all times, and will enforce the standard firmly and fairly. If and when violations occur, the violator will receive disciplinary action from the MSC according to its rules and policies.

Standard of Conduct

  • Set a good example, win or lose! All children are watching; make sure you have a positive attitude toward players, coaches, officials, and spectators.
  • It is crucial that coaches are the only ones providing instruction to players.
  • Refrain from yelling at anyone, especially the referee.
  • Respect the opponents.
  • Support your son/daughter and the team by following the rules regarding equipment, practices, on time and ready to play.  Be sure that your player has the proper clothing and equipment every time he or she enters the soccer field.
  • If a problem exists with a coach or manager follow these steps:
  1. Arrange a meeting with the coach – if that fails:
  2. Contact a Director of Coaching – if that fails:
  3. Contact a board member
It is important that any parent with an issue should take a deep breath and wait 24 hours after the game before setting up a meeting with the coach. 

We will refrain from booing or yelling at officials at any time during a game because 
1. It sets a poor example of sportsmanship, 
2. Reflects negatively on our programs, our community, our team, our players, and ourselves. 
3. Most officials do the best job they can with limited training.
4. The official seldom determines the outcome of the games. 

We will refrain from yelling at players on either team because 
1. They are young players, prone to mistakes due to lack of experience 
2. Our attempts to help may only confuse the player. The coach is best equipped to analyze and correct deficiencies. 
3. We will treat all players with courtesy, respect and consideration. 

We will refrain from being argumentative or using abusive language towards supporters of the opposing team because 
1. Others judge us by our words and actions. Sportsmanship should be the verdict. 
2. We will conduct ourselves in such a courteous and restrained manner that if called upon to do so, we could line up and shake hands with each supporter of the opposing team. 

If our team loses, we will demonstrate our ability to cope with the loss in both deed and word because 
1. In athletics, as in other aspects of life, it is not always possible to win no matter how great the effort. 
2. When victory eludes us, we must learn to accept defeat graciously as we do our triumphs 
3. It may be possible that a loss is due to the fact that the opposing team played the game better than our team 
4. Our players should learn from our reactions to a loss. 

The real purpose of youth soccer competition is to have fun. Improve skills. Learn sportsmanship, develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline, develop group loyalty, learn to compete within established rules, accept decisions of authorized officials, and to develop sound minds and bodies. I/we have read and understand the above statements. I/we agree with these statements and will adhere to the code of conduct set forth by the MACOMB SOCCER CLUB a subsidiary of MICHIGAN SOCCER CLUB LLC in the spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork, and benefit to all. Parent/Guardian when signing electronically you are acknowledging that you have reviewed this policy.

Macomb Soccer Club

Phone : 248-390-9163
Email : [email protected]
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